About us

A dedicated group of people on a quest to build a food company for the future.

Better People

We believe in people and in our responsibility to create that environment where every member gets to perform at their best, while we embrace their worst. We believe in building a team of brilliant people to achieve greatness. People who can self-define the right goals, self-direct to reach them, and redefine the standards while they get there. People who do proud work and create extraordinary results. People with grit and urgency. People with the entrepreneur spirit and a growth mindset.

“If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap than his neighbour, though he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Better Perspective

We believe in critical thinking and staying open-minded while we challenge one another to greater heights. We embrace in change and the use of technology. We believe in learning from our failures and applying the discipline and principles learnt to make us even better in the struggle upwards. We believe in focusing on what matters, guided by the 80/20 principles, zeroing in on what’s the most important thing right now. We believe in courage and clear thinking to recognise the hard truths and make the hard decisions. We believe that its always Day 1.

“Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least”


Better Execution

We believe in executing well and with excellence. We believe in the attention to detail and thoroughness. We believe in small things becoming great and nothing is too small for our attention. We always stay hungry and have a lean approach, both in mindset and execution. We believe in working 10x harder to get things done.

“For want of a nail the shoe was lost,For want of a shoe, the horse was lost;For want of a horse the rider was lost, and all”

Poor Richard

Better Product

We believe in dreaming 10x bigger and working 10x harder to deliver better outcomes. We will never settle for a lower quality outcome. We seek to push the bar and limits to create a better product. We believe that a better product is what we owe to all our customers whom we serve. We only build products that we love ourselves. We are led by our purpose.

“Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.”

Ronnie Oldham